Thursday, August 23, 2018

The Significance of Mineral Water in Your Daily Life

So hey Peeps,

Today I will share with you all about the importance of consuming mineral water in your daily basis. As we all know, our body weight consist 70% of water and other is bone and limbs. Why I want to discuss about mineral water is because, the benefits that many people does aware but does not give a care about it because of the lack of time and unpopular importance of the water to their daily body basis.

There are a huge difference that you need to know between mineral water and bottled water. Mineral water is water that comes out of the ground and will pass through several layers and rock and hugely consist of calcium and magnesium ions which are crucial for our body system. Depending on the source, some of these dissolved mineral may be either good or bad for health. Hence, mineral water from these sources will vary in its content and quality. For bottled water, it is said that the true quality of the water will be affected by the bottling method and on how it was stored. So what I want to say is, it is better for you to spend some of your money for the high quality water rather than buying the dispensing water from the Reverse Osmosis (RO) process water for the health of your kidney.

Health Benefits of Mineral Water

Source : Google Image

Source : Google Image

As we all know, in this era human are so eager to detox their body by consuming detox tea and eating a lots of fruits. But, they did not realize that they can detoxify their body by consuming enough proportion of water daily. The recommended water intake for adult human is around 2 liter and above cause water is used to make sure our body system can work well. Our body can detoxify by the water flow from stomach to the intestine to carry away the bad toxic inside our body and to be expel by the defecation process. Thus, I recommend to you all to drink water whether you feel thirsty because our body really need water at that time.

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I think some of you had ever heard about electrolytes right? It is a substance that produces electrically conducting solution when dissolved in a polar solvent like water. In a simple form, it is stated that water with electrically charged ions. There are some rich ions water that supply enough electrolytes for our body consumption. Those water I can say to you is very healthy for you because they can replaces the electrolytes that were lost during your vigorous activity and sweat producing activity. However, mineral water also rich in electrolytes and it is very cheap to get mineral water rather that electrolytes rich water. Because mineral water consist of Calcium and Magnesium that can react with water to become electrolytes. In addition, if you vomit or diarrhea, your body will expel a lot of electrolytes accidentally because your body lost control to the expel process. So, as older people said that it is crucial for your to drink a lot of mineral water after those process to replace back the lost electrolytes.

Source : Google Image

The definition of the cholesterol is a chemical compound that the body requires as a building block for cell membranes and for hormones like estrogen and testosterone. Cholesterol also can be produced by the liver and obtained from the dietary sources like meat and poultry. However, there are two types of cholesterol, bad and good one. Our body produces the good one and the bad one is obtained from the dietary sources from daily food intake. When there is too much of cholesterol is present in the body, it can build up in deposits called plague along the inside walls of arteries, causing them to narrow and leads to many health compilations such as heart attack and kidney problem because blood cannot flow properly in the bloodstream. Therefore, I urge you to drink a hell lot of water to regulates back the cholesterol inside your body system and to widen back your bloodstream vessel so that blood can flow properly.

So that is all from me, I hope I had explained to you all with the best understanding so that you can understand it is crucial for human beings to drink a lot of water for their daily activity. It is not a loss for you to spend some of your money to buy a high quality mineral water dispenser from certified company so that you can ensure a high lifespan time and better body system.


Any correction or inquiries you can hit that comment button so that we can share some other benefits that we did not notice that are very good for us.


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